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8 Post-Treatment Care Tips For Body Sculpting Procedures

8 Post-Treatment Care Tips For Body Sculpting Procedures

8 Post-Treatment Care Tips For Body Sculpting Procedures

Body sculpting, aka body contouring, is quickly becoming a popular way to remove fat without any surgery. It’s especially effective for stubborn fat that has stayed despite adopting different diets and exercise regimes. That being said, the quality of your results doesn’t only depend on the procedure. It also rides on your consistency with post-treatment care tips for body sculpting.

Now that we’ve established the basics, let’s explore the importance of body sculpting and its post-care tips in detail.

Importance of Post-Body Sculpting Care

Body sculpting may not require surgery, but you will encounter some soreness and redness. This may last from a few hours after the procedure to a few days. Following some post-treatment care tips for body sculpting will help speed up the healing process. 

Besides this, the tips can also help enhance and maintain the results of the body sculpting procedure so they last longer. If you’re consistent with the care, you’ll see noticeable changes within 6-12 weeks

8 Post-Treatment Care for Body Sculpting

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of post-body sculpting care, let’s discuss the tips you’ll need to follow. The following are the most effective post-treatment care tips for body sculpting:

  • Drink Lots of Water

  • During the sculpting procedure, high-frequency sound waves are used to break down the fats in your body into lipids and glycerides. That’s why it’s recommended to drink lots of water after the session. This helps eliminate the broken-down molecules from your body. 

    Hydration can also help remove other toxins and improve skin elasticity, which can add more definition to the body sculpting results. 

  • Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

  • Avoiding alcohol and caffeine is one of the most essential post-treatment care tips for body sculpting. You’ll need to do this for at least 3 days after the procedure.

    This is because both things can cause dehydration, which interferes with the healing process. Besides that, alcohol can also inhibit your body’s metabolism, slowing the elimination of broken-down fat from the treated area.

  • Wear Loose Clothes

  • As we mentioned before, after the procedure, you might suffer from some discomfort, soreness, and swelling in the treated area. That’s why tight clothes and thick clothes are a big no. Instead, you want to wear something loose-fitted that doesn’t constantly irritate your treated area.

    Preferably, the cloth of the garments should be thin enough to let air through. This can especially help increase your comfort when sitting for long periods.

  • Massage the Treated Area

  • When recommending post-treatment care tips for body sculpting, all medical experts make sure to include gentle massaging.  It’s suggested to be done after 10 minutes of your sculpting session. This massage isn’t necessary but has been found to significantly help with fat loss.

    The reason for this is that massaging helps eliminate the broken-down fats from the target area. Your metabolism will basically increase and help you achieve more defined sculpting results.

  • Be Gentle With the Treated Area

  • After your body sculpting session, you want to treat the recovering area with utmost gentleness. Do not pick on, scratch, or rub the area, and avoid subjecting it to extreme hot or cold temperatures. 

    If you want to wash it, use tepid water combined with a mild wash. Then, use a moisturizer throughout the day to keep the area hydrated. You also want to apply a high SPF sunscreen to protect the vulnerable site from sun damage. 

  • Exercise

  • If you want more post-treatment care tips for body sculpting that will enhance your results, this one is for you. After you are done with your body sculpting session, always make sure to do some sort of mild exercise. This could be walking, cycling, or even swimming. 

    Just make sure that the activity is muscular and that you do it consistently for 3 days after the treatment. The tip will help increase your metabolism and aid in removing fats. 

  • Get Rest 

  • Non-invasive body sculpting saves you from the intense after-effects of a surgical procedure. But, you will feel tired and sometimes nauseous. The feeling can be compared to how you would feel after an intense workout.

    This may not be the case for everyone, but if you’re one of them, listen to your body. Get plenty of rest to allow your muscles to heal. This includes getting the recommended minimum of 7 hours of sleep to feel relaxed the next morning.

  • Eat Clean

  • Though you’ll notice the results of body sculpting within a few weeks, do not be lenient with your diet. To maintain impressive results, it is important that you avoid putting on the extra weight again. That’s why plan a balanced diet plan without unnecessary fats like junk food.

    This tip will not only help you remain physically healthy but also have a positive effect on your mood. This, combined with the extra energy boost, will further improve your attitude towards your body goals.

    Things to Keep in Mind Post-Body Sculpting

    Now that we’ve discussed post-treatment care tips for body sculpting, here’s a \summary of things to keep in mind:

    • Always make sure to clean your hands when touching the target area.
    • The better your metabolism, the more defined your results will be.
    • Body sculpting is not a replacement for proper diet and exercise.
    • Hydration is key for post-body sculpting care and can also help with any nausea.
    • Be patient with the results; they’ll take a few weeks to be noticeable.
    • For best results, don’t skip sculpting sessions, and make sure you’re using the right body sculpting machine.


    Non-surgical body sculpting can be your answer to finally getting rid of stubborn fat. The best part is you can even do the procedure yourself. Just be consistent with the sessions and always follow the above post-treatment care tips for body sculpting. 

    Also, make sure to contact us at Aristorm for the best body sculpting tools. Our tools are of high quality and have proven effective in helping numerous customers. With our body sculpting solutions, you’ll reach your body goals in no time.

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