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4 Noninvasive Body Sculpting Trends in 2024

4 Noninvasive Body Sculpting Trends in 2024

4 Noninvasive Body Sculpting Trends in 2024

The time when you had to resort to painful and invasive methods to achieve your desired body shape has long gone. Now, plenty of noninvasive body sculpting methods make body enhancements a whole lot easier. The best part is that continuous developments are being made in noninvasive aesthetics to boost effectiveness. So, if you are considering this process, staying updated about the latest noninvasive body sculpting trends is essential. 

To help you in this regard, we will discuss the top noninvasive body sculpting trends in 2024 so you pick the most suitable option for your needs. Let's dig in!

Body Sculpting is a Rapidly Developing Industry 

Did you know more than 50% of adults from the US, UK, Australia, France, and Germany reported experiencing weight stigma? Unfortunately, it's true. 

Many people turn to different solutions, including body sculpting—particularly noninvasive body sculpting—to overcome this stigma and feel more confident in their bodies. Statistics reveal that the body contouring market was valued at USD 0.47 billion in 2023 and has grown to USD 0.53 billion in 2024. 

The growth isn't going to stop there. In 2032, it is further expected to hit USD 1.54 billion. A 2021 report reveals that around 77.0% of the body sculpting market is occupied by noninvasive and minimally invasive devices. 

Top Noninvasive Body Sculpting Trends in 2024

Here's a detailed explanation of some key noninvasive body sculpting trends in 2024 that you should look out for: 

Hybrid Treatments will See Rise

Firstly, in 2024, hybrid treatments will rise dramatically. Typically, this involves combining two different noninvasive body sculpting methods to increase the results of the body contouring process significantly. 

For instance, some aestheticians may combine radio-frequency skin tightening with high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM). In radio-frequency, heat is delivered to the tissue below the dermis, which quickly stimulates collagen production and contracts skin fibers to tighten the under-treatment skin. 

Complementing this is HIFEM, in which electromagnetic radiations are used to prompt muscle contractions and build overall muscle mass. This combination generally goes by the name EmSculpt Neo, and in the coming years, more people will opt for these kinds of dual-action treatments to achieve excellent body sculpting results. 

CoolSculpting Treatments will be More Popular

Another one of the emerging noninvasive body sculpting trends in 2024 is a boost in the popularity of CoolSculpting treatments. It's a noninvasive, FDA-approved treatment that uses cooling technology to freeze and eliminate fat cells. 

The working is simple: energy is extracted from fat cells using cold temperatures that cause them to freeze and die. Over time, your body naturally removes these fat cells, giving you the desired body shape. 

Its hype will continue to increase due to its high effectiveness and ability to permanently eliminate fat from the body. Studies show that each CoolSculpting procedure helps you get rid of 10% to 25% of fat in the treated area

Availability of Personalized Treatment Plans 

Personalization isn't just limited to retail businesses; now, people look for customization, even in body sculpting treatments. So, one of the most popular noninvasive body sculpting trends in 2024 is the availability of personalized treatment plans. 

Today, practitioners use advanced technologies and imaging devices to assess a patient's body condition. They pinpoint the exact locations of fat and then design a treatment plan tailored to the patient's specific body type. 

This level of personalization ensures that the chosen noninvasive body sculpting methods, whether it's CoolSculpting or radiofrequency, are highly effective, thereby increasing overall satisfaction. 

Low-Level Laser Therapy and CoolTone will be in Trend 

In 2024, two more noninvasive body sculpting methods that are gaining huge traction are low-level laser therapy and CoolTone. 

The former involves reducing fat from your body using light energy, generally 600–1000 nm wavelength. It also promotes tissue healing and reduces inflammation, which is why this method is among the popular body sculpting methods. 

On the other hand, the CoolTone technique relies on magnetic muscle stimulation and plays a critical role in toning your abdomen or thighs. To enhance your overall body appearance, you should consider getting CoolTone treatment after a Collection session. 

The Future of Body Sculpting 

The future of body sculpting is quite bright, with immense growth and advancements in technology expected in the upcoming years. 

You may get to see frequent use of microwave energy instead of Radiofrequency. As microwaves have higher energy, typically in the 915 MHz or 2.45 GHz range, they'll penetrate deeper into the skin, eliminating unwanted fat more effectively. 

Not only this, but there'll also be more focus on holistic body sculpting than treating individual parts. The aesthetician may advise you to integrate the right nutrition and workout to bring the whole body in shape and stay there for a long time. 


What are the benefits of Hybrid Body Sculpting Treatments?

Hybrid body sculpting treatment offers a lot of benefits, including enhanced effectiveness, more toned muscles, and reduced treatment time, as you don't have to take multiple sessions. 

Is a Holistic Approach to Body Sculpting a Trend in 2024?

Yes, a holistic approach is one of the noninvasive body sculpting trends in 2024. In this approach, practitioners focus not just on fat removal but also on skin tightening and overall wellness. You may also be advised to make some lifestyle modifications, like proper diet and exercise, to see visible results. 

How Can You Maximize the Results of Your Body Sculpting Session?

To maximize body sculpting results, you must maintain a balanced and healthy diet and drink lots of water before and after the session. Once you are healed properly, you should do a lot of exercises as well as strength training to maintain the results. 


As the body sculpting industry is quickly growing, you should keep an eye on all the noninvasive body sculpting trends in 2024 before opting for a treatment. However, if you want to go for in-home treatment, you should get noninvasive body sculpting devices from ARISTORM. Our devices are affordable and feature advanced RF technology and LED laser pads that perfectly contour your body without the need for clinical visits. 

Ready to transform your body? Visit ARISTORM today and explore our incredible range of noninvasive body sculpting devices!

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